At this time, DACK will generate 4-digit codes for any integrated Schlage Encode lock. In order for DACK generate these codes successfully, please make sure your lock(s) are currently set to accept 4-digit codes. Schlage will work with access codes that match the same length as the Schlage Master Code, so if the Master Code is currently 4-digits you will not need to make any changes.
NOTE: This requirement does not apply to Schlage Encode PLUS, Schlage Encode Plus will allow any number of digits regardless of the master code.
Checking Lock Access Code Length
Open the Schlage app on your mobile device and select one of your locks. Click on the Settings icon in the bottom left corner, then select Information.
Identify the "Access Code Length". If it is anything but "4" please scroll to the next section of this article to Update Access Code Length.
Updating Access Code Length for Schlage Encode
In the Schlage app on your mobile device, select the lock that needs updating. Go to the "People" icon in the bottom right corner. All codes displayed here will need to be removed before writing 4-digit codes. Please be sure that removing these codes will not disrupt a current guest in-stay, or any staff members who may be at the property.
Select the Delete All option at the bottom of the screen. Once all codes are removed, select the + icon in the upper right corner to create your new 4-digit Master Code.
At this point, DACK will be able to write codes to your lock.